Friday, November 14, 2008

Hurry up and wait. Now!

So this is something that is, at this very moment, aggravating me. I planned particularly well today, covering all my bases for the approaching event for which I am currently in a holding pattern. Phone calls were made, things were written. I am in no way at fault for this delay.

As the day went on, it became one of those "hurry up and wait" days. I sit here, blogging, somewhere fairly far from home, bored to tears. I should be dining with my family, perhaps at home or one of our favorite spots. This is after I've checked my email (11 times) and Facebook (12 times).

Sometimes days like this are your fault, but other times you can't avoid them. It truly amazes me that no matter how hard you try or how well you plan, so much of your life hinges on the actions of others.

Thank goodness for the Internet...

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