Monday, September 29, 2008

Irrational Fears?

We all have our fears in life. Snakes, spiders, heights, and falling to name a few. One of my fears seems a bit strange to most.

Birds. They scare me. Their scaley claws, sharp beaks, mocking attitude and their general lack of warm n fuzziness just don't appeal to me.

Truth be told, I was forced to watch Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds as a young child (by my mother who passed on her irrational fear of birds to her youngest daughter). Despite the profound effect it had on my psyche, I still think it is one of the best scary movies ever made.

This photo was taken in Hawaii at a meeting. One of the exhibitors had a booth full of large birds that attendess could be photographed with. Me personally...well...I took 10 steps back took several shots and left to go check out the shoes...much more in my comfort zone.

Desire to Blog?

Ok, so I'm not all that convinced that I WANT to blog, but suddenly, in a fit of insomnia, I feel the NEED to blog. In the not so distant past, I imagined blogging about various aspects of my life. Things are a bit different now, but I guess there is still a small part of me that might have something to say.

Tonight after having some good friends over for dinner, I had some other good friends over to watch The Sex and the City Movie. I've always loved the series, and also loved the movie. I realize in these small fragments of my life that I have great friends and family. I truly mean great. Makes me feel damn lucky, and someday I will be able to repay all the kindness I have received.

Maybe it's time for ambien...or a boring book. It's late!