Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sleep, part deux

So today I had my visit with the cognitive behavioral specialist. It was really quite interesting. We talked a bit about sleep hygiene, a subject I was already familiar with. We also talked about the role my husband, the reflux sufferer, is playing in this dilemma.

The most interesting part, and probably the most helpful, was to put my problem in perspective. So what happens if I can't sleep? I'm tired the next day but I can function. I usually can sleep the next night, a fairly full night. I guess removing the anxiety of worrying about the lack of sleep goes a long way to being able to fall asleep.

I learned some relaxation techniques also, but that one pearl will probably be the most helpful.


Donnie Barnes said...

I get where you're coming from, but after just spending five nights in a row sleeping like crud, well, I'm getting a little fed up myself. Last night was pretty good, though, but still...ugh.

Jane Elizabeth said...

Ironically, didn't sleep well last night :( but happily, I didn't care or stress about it :)
I think you need to go to this guy.

Lis said...

It's super ironic that I'm reading this right now, at 4:02 am, because I can't sleep. I just worked out to try and get my mind to come back down but that clearly was a bad choice, according to your link. I like this idea of not being stressed, though. Thanks for that tip.