Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Family Guy Christmas

Ok, my husband loves the show The Family Guy. Watches it all the time. Much like I used to watch Sex and the City all the time.
Anyway, the show is starting to grow on me. I saw an episode the other day that pretty much summed up the Christmas experience for moms, to a certain extent.
Basically, Christmas is total chaos. The dad accidentally gives away all the Christmas gifts and there is a major accident involving the dog, Brian, the oven and the fire extinguisher. Lois, the mom, retains her calm demeanor throughout until she tries to clean up the mess. Her daughter mentions they are out of paper towels. Lois goes off the deep end. She yells something along the lines of "YOU THINK THIS CHRISTMAS SPIRIT JUST HAPPENS???? I WORK SO HARD IT COMES OUT OF MY BUTT!!!" Then she runs off, takes the star off the tree in the town square, and gets shot with a tranquilizer gun.
All I can say is, I hear ya Lois. I feel for you Lois.

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