Saturday, January 23, 2010

Spinning. It's not your regular cycle.

My friend Julie invited me to a class this morning at the Y called CardioPump. It consisted of about 45 minutes of spinning and then about 55 minutes of weights. Wow. I learned a few important things this morning.
1. A spinning class is in no way, shape or form like spinning on a stationary bike.
2. Despite what I told myself before entering the class, you can't fake it.
3. They make you (gasp) stand up on the bike (and it makes your quad scream).
4. Always, always bring a towel.
5. Channeling your inner Lance is helpful.
All in all, a crazy good but hard work out. I'll definitely try and go again...that is if I can walk tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

I'm so proud I helped inspire a blog entry! You did great for your first time ... I've been a few times and the instructor still seems to hover over me, worried I will keel over.

Jane Elizabeth said...

LOL. You won't keel over! I think she steered clear of me cause she probably thought I was a one shot deal :-)