Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Scrambled, please.

I have a question. What happened to all the different preparations of eggs? When I was a kid, we had eggs on the weekend only. There were poached, fried-over easy or sunny side up, scrambled, and the quirkiest of all, soft boiled in an egg cup. Hard boiled eggs were around for lunch, often diced in egg salad.
So here's the deal. We eat scrambled eggs. We eat hard boiled eggs. That's it. No soft boiled, no poached, no fried and certainly no egg salad. Trust me, I'm OK with all this, mostly because I don't like the other kinds, and I'm afraid of salmonella from undercooked eggs...but I'm wondering-do other people (besides my parents) still eat the other kinds?


Christie said...

U R so "cool" with UR "blog". I wish I were U.

Lis said...

I do. I eat all kinds of eggs, poached are my absolute fave.

Jane Elizabeth said...

Wow, Alisa, I'm impressed. My parents used to have one of those egg poaching pans, where they come out triangular shaped. Do you have that or just wing it?

Lis said...

My mom had that, but my method is drop it in simmering water with a splash of vinegar, and then swirl around with a chopstick to keep most of the white contained, and keep it runny, of course. That might not fly with your undercooked egg worry but I suppose you can poach it for long enough to cook the yolk firm.

jeepmama said...

All three of my boys like their eggs fried, over easy. Mostly because they like to gross me out by busting the yolk and letting it spill out over their plates. *gag*

Jane Elizabeth said...

*gag* is right. Yuck.